There are two coffee categories in Starbucks:
1. Drip coffee: It's just like what you have in the office.
2. Espresso drinks: Any drinks that have espresso (super condensed coffee) in it like Mocha, Latte, Cappacino and etc...
If you like Mocha, but you think it's not bitter enough. You have two options:
1. ask them to do "half the mocha" to decrease the sweetness
2. You can increase the espresso shots to your mocha to increase the bitterness.
Short and Tall size have one shot
Grande and Venti have two shots in it
2006-10-18 05:06:41 補充:
唔好意思, 之前起公司, 打唔到中文如果你想mocha苦d, 你有兩個選擇1. 叫佢比少d mocha (mocha 係cholate ga 意思), 你可以講 "half the mocha please" 或者 "half the cholate please"2. 如果你鍾意甜但唔夠苦, 你可以講 "I want an extra shot", 咁佢會比多一個 shot esspresso 你. 有咩唔明你再補充啦, 希望幫到你